Tools to help you read more
Every year many of us make plans to get fitter, learn a new skill, or grow in some aspect of our spiritual life. For many a new year brings a new opportunity to re-start or re-set a habit of bible reading.
At Lindisfarne Anglican, we love the bible and believe that when we engage with it God moves. We don't want you to read the bible more because it's your duty. We want you to open the Bible so that you can hear the creator of the universe speak to you and so you can hear more of the truth about life and God in our very noisy post truth world!
If you want to go deeper into God’s word and be more consistent in your Bible reading this coming year then here’s a few ideas/plans to help you.

# 1 - YouVersion Bible App
Amazing free digital resource. They have instagram stories with a different minister from somewhere around the world reflecting on a verse of the day and then a devotion from someone else followed by a prompt to get you thinking and a prayer. Quick and easy. If you’re already scrolling through insta stories this can be a way to transform that into a spiritual practice.
They also have HEAPs of plans. From short topical plans (eg. 7 day bible reading plan on love) to longer plans designed to help you read the whole bible. Many of the plans below can be found on the YouVersion app.
#2 - Tim Chester 3 Year Plan
This is a 3 year plan that takes you through the OT once and the NT twice over those 3 years. It gives you about 10 chapters a week to read on no particular day. You break it up as you’re able.
This is the only plan that is not on the YouVersion Bible app.
#3 - Alpha One Year Bible Reading Plan
Nicky Gumbel, creator of Alpha and minister at Holy Trinity Brompton provides a devotion along with some daily scripture readings in this plan.
#4 - McCheyne Plan
Rev McCheyne was a Scottish minister in the 19th century. His plan takes you through the OT once and the Psalms and NT twice in a year.
#5 - Prof. Horner's Bible Reading System
This plan has 10 different lists made up of different sections of the Bible. The idea is to read 1 chapter from each of the 10 lists each day providing you a wide overview of scripture. Not for the faint-hearted but enjoyable if you get in to it!
#6 - Everyday with Jesus and Encounter with God
For a long time a number of people in our church have been using either the Everyday with Jesus Bible reading plan and devotion by Selywn Hughes or the Scripture Union developed Encounter with God bible reading plan and notes. If you'd like to get a physical copy please contact us.
Both are also available online.
These plans are simply meant to be helpful tools for engaging with the Bible. They are meant to be a guide not a master. Try one for a bit and if it's not working, try something different.
If you want to be encouraged by what you're learning and consider yourself part of the Lindisfarne Anglican Church community, why not join our Facebook group so you can share what God is teaching you and encourage others who are learning more about life and faith too.
Finally remember, it's never too late to start. If you missed the start of a the new year, you can still start afresh!
If you want to be encouraged to dive into God's word more deeply then check out this sermon.