What is baptism?
Baptism is a sign of God’s grace. It reminds us that God sent his one and only Son Jesus to earth to live, die and rise again. In baptism, the water symbolises being buried with Jesus in his death and being cleansed from our sin and guilt before God. The water also symbolises the spiritual renewal and cleansing that happens in the life of a Christian when they believe that Jesus is Lord.
Baptism is for anyone, and their children, who loves Jesus and trusts in him as Lord and Saviour. Check out our beliefs page here to find out more about what Christians believe and feel free to contact us if you've got any questions.
Can i get my kid baptised at your church?
In the baptism service our church family makes a promise to you and your family to support you in raising your children to love Jesus. We can't make good on that promise unless you likewise are committed to becoming a regular worshipping member of our church.
Maybe you're not there yet? That's ok! Get in touch below and one of our team will arrange to begin meeting with you to read the bible and get to know you so that you can consider more clearly the serious promises you will make in bringing your child for baptism.
When can i get my child baptised?
Once you're part of our community, we celebrate baptisms in our regular 10am Sunday service.
A baptism service will run for about 75 minutes.
growing your child in the faith
When you become part of the Lindisfarne Anglican Church family we take our commitment to you and your children seriously. That's why we run our amazing LA Kids program to help your child learn more about Jesus.
Thanksgiving for a Child
what about a thanksgiving service for my child?
We love kids at Lindisfarne Anglican Church and we're so thankful that you do to! A Thanksgiving Service is a short (10-15mins), private, service held at a convenient time (often 12pm Sunday) where we name your child before God and give thanks to Him for the precious gift of life.
If you're not quite ready to make the commitment of baptism, then this service might be worth considering.

We are not available to be hired out as a wedding venue, however you can make an enquiry about having your wedding at Lindisfarne Anglican Church.
We offer a Christian marriage service, with pre marriage counselling, to help set you up for a marriage until death do you part!
Please get in touch using the form at the bottom of this page if you'd like to know more.

Funeral services can also be arranged to be held at Lindisfarne Anglican Church. We will walk alongside your family as you say goodbye to a loved one, helping you prepare a fitting tribute and giving thanks to God for the gift of life and for the eternal life that Jesus has won for us.
Please get in touch if you'd like to know more.